About School

Delhi Public School, Rajnandgaon is efficiently run by a committee of dynamic, dedicated and eminent personalities. DPS, RAJNANDGAON is known for providing an excellent quality education with high academic standards and nice infra structure support. It is no-profit making body, which concentrates towards the world-class quality education which gathers the students from different corners of country. The Board of Directors are competent and sincere in their efforts in imparting education for making self reliant citizens.
Vision & Mission
We make personalities who give priority to Service before Self. Our holistic and student centric education aims at making students who are reliable and trustworthy citizens. We aim at making learning a pleasure and believe that the students knowledge can be enhanced without making them sacrifice the joy of living every moment. Students are exposed to high academics, aesthetics and sports in the true sense. All efforts are directed towards achieving a holistic personality, bubbling with self assurance and equipped with the necessary knowledge to face the challenges of the Modern World.
Our Motto
'Service Before Self' is the ethos deeply ingrained in every DPS student. It signifies that the happiness, safety and comfort of others mean more to us than our own happiness, safety and comfort. The motto reminds us constantly that giving is nobler than receiving and that we give without expecting anything in return.