Subjects Offered

Pre-Primary Wing
The Pre-Primary Wing comprises classes Pre-Nursery to class I. The curriculum for Nursery, Prep and class I is thematically based on their core subjects.
Languages, Mathematics, Environmental Studies through activity based pedagogy nurture exploration, experimentation and encourages child pursued learning.
The subjects are inclusive of group discussions, project work, play room sessions, nature walks, educational trips and value based story narration and more.
IT education commences right from Pre-Nursery where the pre-scholars give free expression to their creativity through activities in the computer lab.
Students are exposed to a plethora of academic and non-academic competitions like Quiz, Elocution, Fancy Dress etc. The session is divided into three terms.
Pre-Nursery results are based on the teacher's observation of each child; the Nursery, on monthly assessments and the class Prep and I students are evaluated
through Monday/ Friday Tests and CCE pattern. The Educomp classes are an additional fun filled teaching aid that enhances skill based learning and promotes
experimentation and exploration.

The Primary Wing
The Primary Wing of DPS Rajnandgaon has a current strength of 1400 students. As per the CBSE guidelines this Primary Wing of the school has adopted "Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation system. The subjects are taught as activity based after. Meticulous planning and are tested both objectively and subjectively, through oral and written projects. Each academic session carefully divided into there terms, the students are tested and their learning evaluated both through oral as well as written twice each term. The lessons of all subjects are added by assignments to nature in the learner's creative thinking and effective writing skills. At the end of each term academic performance sheets are given to the students reflecting their performance.
Remedial measures take care of slow learners, including special children who are extra care by teachers. Smart classes, digital activities of the school augment funfilled learning and quick grasp of concept, being audio visual . Each year students, enthusiastically appear for competitive, external exams like ASSET, IIO, IMO, NCO enabling students to have a shaper their skills. Excursion, Educational trips, Picnic, Movie shows, pave way as supportive academic tools for students' holistic development to tackle real life satiations.

The Secondary Wing
DPS Rajnandgaon aims at giving holistic development, values skill based education and facilitating creative and innovative expressions of students to groom then to be forefront global leaders and responsible citizens. The academic curriculum of the Senior Wing is divided into two terms. In classes VI-X the pattern of learning and evaluation is Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation. Where 2 Formative and Summative Assessments are conducted each term. To make learning fruitful and enable quick grasp of concepts, Smart Class. For all classes of the Senior Wing have topic wise division of modules for modules for facilitative quick and effective Audio Visual learning.
Remedial classes serve as a boon to slow learners. Regular project based and written assignments ensure students grasp of knowledge and various skill. Expression. Various competitive exams facilitated to students provide them a good real life exposure and reinforcement of skill based learning.